Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And A Shitty 2010 Was Had By All

Appologises to anyone who's had a stella year, good on you, but just about everybody I know is looking forward to 2011 and it’s not from a love of life and all things good in this world, it’s from a place of shear desperation, exasperation and hope -that things can only get better from here.  I am absolutely in that boat.  Toot toot.  Not to recap the last disastrous 12 months, but if I was to provide you with some high lights, they would include, 4 months of bad health ending up in hospital, my mother got herself involved in some legal trouble, was sued, lost, and is now selling the family home and business to cover her losses, and to round it off, unemployment due to months of bad health leading to near homelessness, and no help from family or a particular friend who should have been there considering the things I have been through with him.  But if I’m going to be a negative Nelly then I had better balance it with the good things. Mmmm.  Well I started writing this blog and it’s been heaps of fun.  I turned 30 and had an amazing party on the beach with friends from Melbourne and Sydney, and I started a building business which is going well and I’m liking the work and finally I have a new Jeep with leather seats and air-condition after 2 years of not having a car with aircon…..it’s amazing the difference a nice car make to my life.

2011……. What are my thoughts?    ?     ?????? mmmmm.  Well most of me is still traumatized by last year and thinks it will all happen again.  I have been reading about emotional trauma and the scares bad relationships leave on people, can take years to get over.  Well I’m not a sucker for getting into bad relationships, never had a bad one, doubt I ever will, I’m just not the type of person who gets into things quickly, and I guess it’s my strength that I don’t need anyone else to feel happy so I don’t hang about for the bad times, if I see storm clouds on the horizon I’m out of there, with me and relationships, it’s got to be smooth sailing or I’m not interested, and my radar for potential trouble seems to be very very accurate.  So I’m hoping I will get over the trauma of the last year before January has ended and move onto better things.
So I am about to do something very brave and put my goals out here in public to be seen, and held accountable by all who read this.
1         I have already joined fitness first and I am eager to see what better shape I can get myself into, so far it’s going well.
2         I have my eye on a new Mercedes M class 4wd, so maybe I can upgrade soon.
3         An overseas holiday, Fiji in May and maybe the Middle East and Europe and LA as well.
4         Grow my building business a lot, and get it to a very good place by the end of the year.
5         Build a better support network around me… very important.
6         Financially get myself back on my feet and have a lot of money put away.
I feel so silly putting my New Years goals out there like this, I am a big believer in New Years resolutions and have been known in the past to plan them from as early as November, a few times I have even taken myself out to dinner to a nice restaurant with my new diary and written them down ready to be reminded about them every time I use my diary, but in the end it made very little difference in being able to achieve them.  So in the grand tradition that is the hope we all carry for the New Year here’s hoping we can all reach out goals for this year.  Hope must be the ability to believe that things will get better even though out life experiences have taught us they won’t.  I guess if we knew that they were going to get better, that it’s a sure thing, then hope isn’t needed.  Hope and faith must be the ability to bend the facts in our mind that tell us that we should be pessimistic.  I’m hoping I can get over the trauma of the past year and believe that things will be better this year.


  1. 2011 hopefully will be a better year for all of us!

    Hey..I am having a singles party on Sun Jan 16 if you are interested in joining us...at Forresters Hotel. $5. Email me for more info

  2. My new years resolution was to stop going to saunas.. and I have cut down my visits by at least 60%.

    Hope you beweave in ur dreemz and reeleyez your goalsz
