Wednesday, March 27, 2013


After I completely fell apart, my life in Sydney that is, I was running 15km a day around centernial park crying my eyes out over leaving my bondi boy behind, on top of that I was closing my business, I had been abandond by my family, I was sick, I lost my apartment and I was leaving behind Sydney when I had been very happy here, and only a few months before I left I had made some amazing support successful friends who had been there for me, and had shown me how good life can be with the right friends.

I arrived in Canberra to live and be looked after by my Aunt and Uncle as my health has completely gone on me and I need 6 months to get better.

I was training hard and getting better but now my right lung has colapsed and I have been in and out of hospital.  On top of all of this, I was being harrassed by the lawyer who owned the apartment I lived in, and I owed a builder money, I was feeling terrible.

But on the flip side, I met an amazing guy who told me about "A New Earth" by Ekart Tolle, It has completely changed my life, and if are interested type "A New Earth Oprah" in google and whatch her pod cast about this book, truly life changing stuff.

Basically its about finding inspiration from with in, not from external sources, so by not thinking, but meditation and being in the present moment, aware of your body, all true inpiration flows, the source of all your power.  I has worked for me.

I was at dinner with 3 developers, one worth 800 mill, another 400 mill and another 200 mill, and they all asked me for my phone number because they thought I was awesome fun!, 4 people asked me to manage their restraunts and I am opening a brand new night club with some one, for 300 people its, really big and is going to totally amazing, live Ivy in Sydney.... these oportunites found me.

My Bondi Boy has had his first taste of disappointment, what he totally needed, as he has always gotten every thing he wanted from life, and needs suffering to grow as a person.
I was feeling validated about my feelings for him, and that I wasnt stupid for liking him, like my friends all say I am, But today he was as cold as ice to me on the phone and he totally shook my confidence in beliving that he is loving under the bull shit exterior he puts up towards me, to stop himself from falling in love.
So I meditated on it, as all pain helps u grow through meditation, is my new belief, no answers yet, other than only time will prove him one way all the other.
Other opportunties that found me were, a famous business man tracked me down to have lunch with me, I mean like super famous, I was so flattered by this, Canberra's best looking guy asked me to be his training partner at Cross Fit, I was very happy about that, and Canberra hottest gay guy and I are now best friends, we talk every day and hang out ever weekend,  This guy is so hot, and my type, a butch lebo bottom, he is in the Army, and I think possibly SAS or special opps, because I can just tell he is secrative about he actually does.  We were dating, but he put me in the friend zone, it pisses me off as I don;t like anyone else down here, but I can't do anything about it, other than meditate.  It was good to feel something for some one other than the Bondi boy..... I wonder what life has instore for me next.