The weather in Sydney today is amazing. I woke up feeling like crap, still sick and decided the only thing that would make me feel better would be a sun-bake and a swim. A sun-bake always makes me feel better when I’m sick. I have been told that the UV helps the liver break down the white blood cells that the body produces to fight the infection, and the ache one feels in one’s body is the dead white blood cells piling up in one’s blood causing the muscle ache. Well all I know is it always works for me. Today is bright sunny blue skies with a gentle crisp breeze from the south, the PERFECT weather. And to top it off a huge thunderstorm has come in this afternoon, which I love, I love summer thunderstorms. I drove to Bondi in my ute with an old burnt CD playing, MGMT Electric Feel, Wham, Club Tropicana and If You’re Ganna Do It Right. I get to Bondi and get a park right on the beach, there were only about 1000 people there today, and everyone was in a great mood. I love it when you can feel the happiness and positive energy just flowing out of people and it was defiantly flowing out of me.
It’s like when girls go to gay clubs and take of their shirts and dance in their bra, it’s one of the few places females can feel safe enough to let it all hang out and release the inner tart they have to hide everywhere else, so they don’t get grabbed and raped in the toilets of straight clubs. Brittney Spears was at North Bondi sun-baking topless when the September 11 attacks happened, so I read, and my friend runs the security at Zetta Bar at the Sydney Hilton, and apparently Paris was sitting by herself in a corner unnoticed by anyone on the Tuesday one week before she was sentenced to jail.
A Few years ago when Paris had been flown out for some news year party, my mate Mr_ANU and I were walking back from a big night in the cross to my family’s Sydney House, a glam terrace in Surry Hills, we were on the corner of Victoria St and Oxford St when suddenly the night sky went Bright White as we were walking past Ruby Rabbit and De Nom, it was the paparazzi waiting for Paris to leave and she did just as we were walking past and jumped in the waiting silver BMW 7 series. The funniest thing was there were a bunch of Paris wannabe girls who looked like her and were trying to talk to her as she left, and one tall skinny talk blonde ran down Oxford Street after the BMW banging on the window shouting “Paris let me in I’m just like you, let me in, let me in” how hilarious, what a loser! Earlier that night as were walking past the Hyatt down in rocks, the crowd from Big Brother were partying in the street and came up to my friend Big_Red and asked her for a light and a cigarette, she loves BB and said in a flash, I don’t smoke but I will help you get one, so like no one else could this 5’10 plus heels red head stopped every one the street asking for a cigarette, with Rob and David in tow asking or Ciggies. I hate Big Brother, but it was a pretty cool spontaneous moment which could have lead to an invite back to the party inside the hotel except Big_Red blew it by asking for photos with them, LOSER!
Back to today. I couldn't help but walk down the street with a smile on my face. It has been so long since that was the case, my level of happiness was as high as when I was 19 and it was my first year out of school and the world truly was my oyster. A friend from school and I used to cruise around Canberra in a brand new black Porsche 911 convertable with a red leather interior. We were 19, good looking, members of the Porsche Club studying architecture and law and loving every minute of life. We would go down to the beat by the lake in Canberra which pumps better than any Sydney beat because every one goes to same one, and do the ever so suductive cruise round with the top down on the Porsche and guys would see us and get in their cars and chase us because they wanted us that badly, and we would just speed of laughing. I have concluded that I was so happy back then because I didn't know how hard life can be, so I was all optimisum. 10 years on and I know when life has gotten as good as its going to, I know there are no mountains left to climb. It's impossible to have limitless optimisum when you know there are limits. But I have decided it's safe to be optomistic again. I feel safe to dream, and know that they are dreams, and even though I know how hard it is to keep all the balls that we juggle to keep life working in the air, I feel safe to focus on the bright things in life, and not be purpetualy vidulant in antisipation of the next disaster. I had a gorgous little salad at Charlie's Chicken Shop on Queen Street in Wollarrah, opposite where the Keating used to live and then I sat on a bench under a Plane tree on Oxford Street today and watched the world go by for half an hour. I went to my favorite gay book shop and talked about the new books with the staff, and then to my fave cafe and chatted with the own for a bit and then drove home, happy and feeling very safe to feel happy.
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