Thursday, March 10, 2011

Project White Trophy Boyfriend

-          If you can’t tone it, tan it -
Turning myself into a trophy boyfriend is my project ATM.  I need to lose fat, gain muscle, tan…mmm….optional, and track down a boy who is interested in me.  One good thing is I am getting very narrow in what I want.  I know what I want for the first time ever.  As far as personality goes they need to be decent and honest and all the virtues that a person should have, to me that’s just basic good manners.  It’s not really an option everyone should have it in them automatically.  My South American friend has been warning me about dating Lebo men as he went to school with them and knows them inside out and even though they are hot, the ones he knows are all deceitful and week willed and lazy.  I acknowledge that the area he went to school in this is probably the case, but surely there are some hot ME guys out there who went to good private schools and who embrace the Australian way of life, they can’t all come from the Lebo ghetto out west.  I need him to be my age and manly like me, I would like someone who is a builder like me.  But I am educated, as an Architect so I have a few builder friends who can keep up with me intellectually, but lots can’t.  So I guess I have my target market worked out, I want a Lebanese or other Arab builder who is gay, manly and if not educated, then smart enough to know that there is a big world out there and be open to new people and ideas.  I’m flexible on race and occupation, but not attitude.  I’m getting very excited because now that I know what I want I can’t help but think there must be someone I want who is out there looking for a masculine white 6 foot  Aussie smart educated builder with my own business, with blue eyes and dark features, who is sensitive and funny enough to write a blog like this.

Roll up, roll up, applicants apply here.


  1. Very True

    As a Lebanese -Australian gay living in Sydney I have always experienced such difficulties, misjudgement and rejection by white Gay Australian who always avoid to connect indirectly with most of us!!! without even giving us the chance to show them how human,compassionate and productive we are! simply they would rather hanging out with other gay Ethnics such Asians and South Americans which I have no problem with that what so ever! except seeing with my own eyes literately how easily white gay Aussies allowing theme self being taking advantage of in many ways.

    Although, what concerns me the most why we as gay Lebanese - Australian being constantly racially targeted, stereo typed and called names. despite all this I reckon it's unacceptable we must act now before it's too late!

    I strongly believe this race discrimination which is been going on for decades among the gay scene in particular not to mention including the whole white Australians society in Sydney especially is motivated by community's negligence, lack of social eduction, media and political propaganda .

  2. I'm a gay Lebanese and haven't been to Australia. But I'm pretty sure I speak for all Leb-Aussies when I say it is just THAT: a stereotype.

    Am sure there are many Lebanese men who'll keep up with you economically, intellectually, and physically. ;)

  3. Thank you for your comments, I will always try to stop negative stero typing, I was very good friends and had a big crush on and Australian Jordain guy, who was a totally classy and educated guy, spoke 5 languages and was part of the Jordainin Royal court, but we couldn't even get into Establishment or Hugo's together because he looked arab, as they thought he would be a trouble maker, it was so sad and pathetic, but he never let it get him down, but I used to get up set for him.

  4. Beirt Boy, I am sure hoping they will, and I can't wait till I meet and date them.

  5. Sure you're not looking for yourself? The last few sentences make you sound very conceited. In fact all your talk about how many A Gay's you've rooted at Bodyline (which is a total dump by the way) make you sound like.. well a typical Sydney Gay himbo.
