The quality of the profiles are amazing I have never seen pages full of such amazing bodies and faces and charm. After you have been in the Lebanon area, and come back to Sydney, you unfortunatly realize our profiles make us look like ugly dogs when compared.
I have learnt a lot about sexual attraction and how to get quality sex from my month of trawling the net (I am unemployed at the moment and it’s so much more fulfilling than I think I will make this a two part-er as there is too much to write tonight, but to give you a teaser.
1. Compulsory military service leads to a whole generation of men who are fit and isolated from female company for long periods…….. join the dots, they know how to get themselves off with each other, and more importantly because this leads to a very broad bi-sexual population, they still have the masculinity that most gay men crave, hence why we love ALF and NRL player and soldiers, and fire fighters etc.
2. The religious taboos of a half Muslim half Christian country mean they are afraid, very afraid, so tourists are safe, very safe. There are profiles which read “for tourists only”.
3. Lebanese like to see themselves as more European than Arab, so if you’re white with blue eyes, you are who they want to be, which is great for me, because that’s what I am, and I love their tanned skin, great bodies (truly amazing), masculine faces, brooding dark looks.
4. In the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney which are sooooo gay, everyone has sooooo much sex, one can become picky, if you go to Bodyline where the men look amazing, they walk around with their towels on not having sex with anyone, just showing of their beautiful bodies to other hot guys, but rarely doing anything. Like boarding schools, Mining towns and the army and navy, ME countries are full of pent up sexual energy. If a man is going to do something not only is he overcoming a huge social stigma and danger, the number of opportunities are lower, so you are special, very special, you are not number 10 for the week, you might be the only man or any love’n he gets for the next 6 months, hence the quality goes up, he wants you and he is going to make you feel wanted.
To be continued…..
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