Friday, March 4, 2011

Me = Trophy White Boy Friend

I have heard, Anthony Robbins I think, say to attract the person of your dreams you need to become that person.  There is no point wanting a stud if you’re not one.  I want my Hot Lebo Trophy Boyfriend now, but I’m not the Trophy White boyfriend yet.  I am on the way, and I have some pretty unique things going for me, and genetically I was given the goods I just need to work into turning myself it the best looking version of me I can be.  I used to be good looking enough to model, first hair, then TV Ads, and then I won a big National Campaigned that ran for two years.  I wonder can I get myself back to that level and even better, can I crank this 7 or 6 to a 10.  I need to stop being a has been and get back to being able to walk down the street and set people’s hearts aflutter.

To be honest things aren't going that well with the Arab Stud.  We haven't meet up for two days, and he flys out in two.  We are still in touch, but I always call him, he never calls me.  He was a no show at the drag races this afternoon, and there is constant "I have a low battery" line.  I don't care he was only here for 5 days any way, I was never going to get too invested, its just its he is my type and I can so rarely get my type.  Our sexual chemistry is amazing and he says he likes me but I kind of had to ask as he keeps me guessing, and he said "of course I like you I wouldn't be here other wise."  He won't sleep over either stating its rude to his friend he is staying with.  What ever.  But when he is lieing in my arms, he melts into them like no one ever has before, its just like he is so happy to be in my arms that I can feel it and he can feel me feeling it.  So much chemistry and so little actual time together.  Strange.  I wonder if he is being stand offish because he said he gets jelous of people who live in Sydney.  He is from a third world country, so even though he is rich enough to travel for a holiday, may be my life here hurts him to see, as he seems disconected and in another world alot of the time.  At the drag races today, 3000 plus people and I didn't see anyone I was attracted to, does that mean something I like him more than a crowd of 3000 on Bondi beach with their tans and shirts off?

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