I am still needing my space, lots of it, and so does he. I get anxious if I spent too much time with him, like all weekend was nearly getting too much, but we got through it and slowly, slowly we are building something.
We both HATE labels, hence I use BF losely, we are indefinable is a much better way of describing us, as BF has a lot of stero typical baggage with it, which neither of us want to get into. We have a closeness that both of us know it there, and a deep level of care, but with out the ownership bullshit that most people attach with that label. We are happy to hang with each other without possession.
There are so many nice things I can say about him because he has so many good things going for him, but I will only say a few today.
He is kind hearted and generous. Warm, funny, friendly, intelligent, smart and quick to like my friends. Good in bed with a really fun attitude towards sex which is mine as well, so we have great times in bed. He gives me great massages that go on for ages. As do I to him. He is Ricky Martin Cute and Manly. And even small things that annoy me don’t. He likes to talk, a lot, and sometimes I feel like I am just listening to him talk crap, but then again, I love to chat as well, and I find even if he is talking crap that I don’t need to hear, it’s still nice to hear his voice nattering away, and I find his voice very calming, so talking crap or not, it’s still better to hear him talk. My voice dropped about half an octave when I first meet him, but only when I was talking to him. My voice became pure sex when I was talking to him. I could hear it, so could he. He has this amazing sexy voice, like liquid silk if there was such a thing. I am an unconscious mimic, I copy people around me. But it was more than that I think, he relaxed me so much the muscles in my voice box relaxed.
And this is the best thing of all I think. He is quite sick, he can work and manage it, but he has to be very careful about a certain stress related illness, which needs medicating. But the medication has side effects, and he been able to stop talking his night time table, and says its due to me. I make him feel so much better and calmer and healthier that he is getting better, maybe even back to unmediated completely! When I first met him his beautiful caramel skin was rough and coarse, his posture was terrible and he wasn’t exercising. Now he is standing like a fit young man, his skin is smoother than mine and glowing, his nails are shinny and smooth. He had to take a day off work from a sore back, and as he was sitting next to me I couldn’t feel any pain in it. I asked him where it was sore, and he said “It’s gone away since I sat next to you, I think when I am near you my body gets better” I was very touched, because I think it is true. I am good for him, and he is good for me.
The perfect boyfriend: cock that fits perfectly in ur ass?Not too big not too small? good rhythm? :P