Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Shop There For I Am

Day one of correct diagnosis, and I felt like going shopping, so I went to what I realized is the gay oasis of the mid west, Rhodes and Ikea. I had noticed in the past that a few hot wog boys seemed a bit frisky in the toilets of Ikea, vigorous shaking of their willies at the urinal and general peacocking, and thought maybe it was a bit of a beat, but today while at the coffee club I noticed that lots of bi curious wog boys seemed to either work or shop there. I take gay Sydney for granted cause I live near the city but I hadn’t really thought what people who live west do when they want a little gayness. Go to Ikea and Rhodes seems to be the answer.

I paid one hot wog daddy a teeny tiny bit of attention as we seemed to shop at the same speed around Ikea, and by daddy I mean 36 with a child and wifey, and he was pretty good not giving into the attention, but the look of surprise on his face when he realized that some one thought he was a bit of alright, made me think his wife must be a bit of a ball and chain. He was very special looking, tall, athletic, with a decent face and muscles that rippled through his cream cable knit jumper and jeans, and yet he seemed to have no idea how high his stock would float on the open market. But later when I was in Rhodes shopping centre just outside of Ikea and he was by himself he let himself enjoy the attention a little more openly and obviously, it was nice to see paying someone a little attention can give them a little ego boost. I love hot wogs they’re such attention whores like me.

I went to Target for a quick shop, and while lining up a hugely fat white woman in front of me was buying Sex and the City 2, there was no way she would be getting any sex in the city, which made me think, were those 4 women her role models, her heroes? Are sexually loose Manhattan women really living the dream for overweight women of the western suburbs? What a novel thought. Is Sex and the City’s target audience, people who can’t get sex?


  1. I love going to the burbs and checking out the married daddies. I think I could definately give them a better blow jobs than their wives. I live in the north shore and there are many hot "straight" boys.

  2. ahahahahah! soooo funny, they say the only differnce between a straight man and a Bi guy is a six pack of beer and a back rub....

  3. i lived in the lower north shore and i swear it was the straightest place i have ever been to. no one was gay, looked gay or had gay sex. that is until i moved out of there and people told me that it is a hugely gay area... sigh... all those missed ops

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