Monday, November 15, 2010

Do You Have A Life Less Than Perfect, Plan

And I don’t mean are there flaws in your life plan, I mean do you have a backup plan incase life doesn’t run as well as the dreams in your head.  I’m 30 and I have to say until I thought of writing this about 20 minutes ago, I didn’t.  I’m Gen Y and believe in personal development, part of which is dream big and it will come, like the secret philosophy or Tony Robbins.  But I have to say my life so far is so far from my dream track that I think it’s time I had a reality check and a backup plan.
What if you get sick?
What if you never get a career that fulfills you?
What if you never get a job that pays well enough to save for retirement because they only pay just enough to get by and live?
What if you never find someone to share your life with?
What if you never reach your desired body image?
What if your family and friends aren’t there for you they way they should be?

What really got me thinking about all this was, I am a little scared about having my next HIV test, and came to the conclusion that if I am going to keep living the way I have been, then I need to be ok with some possible bad luck.  I by no means practice unsafe sex, but you never know when your numbers up and sex is such a messy business that I don’t really think that “safe” is the correct term it is really only “safer”.  And Safest would be no sex.  But I’m not ready to go down that road, so I have to be prepared to sit somewhere on the risk verses pleasure cure.  What would you do if you found out you had HIV?  I think I would wish I had heeded all those chastity sermons from church and family.  And then be glad that I didn’t need to save for retirement any more… is too soon for jokes?  I guess I am writing this to practice being more cognitively aware of how my life would change if it happens.  I could only date in the HIV+ community, and at the moment there are only 14,000 people in the whole of Australia with it, there are my options narrowed down.  No children. And I would have to bring any thing I wanted to do forward.

Please leave any other life changing things we should know in the comments below, thanks.
Does any one have any good ideas for when life doesn’t go as well as you thought it would?


  1. My plan keeps on changing..and changing. That's the thing about being a gay plan!

  2. i have tonnes of plans n wish i had none. the point of existence is not to work till u die.. not to run to the finish line...but to enjoy every single breathe u take along the way.
