Sunday, November 14, 2010

Frivolous Fun Under The Sun

Today was Saturday, a sunny 28 degree November day and I went on the SHE (Soulful House Experience) 6th Birthday Boat Cruise.  Not a transgender boat party as my brother asked, “She party, is that boat full of trannies?” No. No its not, it used to be a fab eastern suburbs set, and it was still heaps and heaps of fun, but I guess after 6 years a few too many westies know about it.  Sure it was still very very cool and fun, but most of the hot straight guys who had their shirts off looked like the typical festival bogan, with bad tattoos and pimples all over their back which I guess means they are on the juice (Roids if you don’t know the lingo).  And their chests were clippered and not particularly well, with big patches of missed body hair, I mean really get yourself a gay friend who will teach you something about man-scaping, you all have the looks and muscles to work with, but your execution and delivery let you down.  The handful of hot poofs on the boat only had all the girls going gaga over them because of their attention to detail.

Drunk bogan social skills are still about 100 years behind gay culture.  In 8 years of going to gay clubs I have never once scene a fight.  And when you think about it there are clubs and dance parties with 500 plus drunk and drugged men and no trouble.  What is it about gay men that make us so well mannered even when we have had a skin full?  There was a big fight on the boat and blood went everywere.  And the bouncers had trouble keeping the two groups separated because what can you do on a boat? Through them over board?  We had to pull into Tarronga Zoo ferry wharf and throw one group off.  The upper deck looked like something from CSI or dexter with the amount of blood spatter everywhere.

The Thursday Night before I was at Arq and all the drunk uni students who had been at the Oxford Art Factory decided in their wisdom that they would be “so cool” and go to a gay club and bring their drunk suburban level of interaction with them.  Thanks guys and girls, thanks a lot.  I mean I really don’t mind if want to have a trip to gay land, but do you really had to shit all over Disney land when you go there?  Learn how to interact and behave or fuck off, please.
Having said all that I will not be writing anything in deep today I will just be posting my photos when I get them off my phone and say “wish you were here”
They flew The Shape Shifters out from London for the boat party, and they had apparently had trouble getting their DJ bags through customs at the airport due to traces of substances on the bags.  “Well officer, of course there are traces of substances on my bag, I’m a DJ, how could there not be.  I mean every DJ’s bag has traces of coke, ice or syphilis.”
And seeing as it was November I heard the guy who was supplying me with champagne say “November is truly the worst month of the year, it’s the only month you can’t tell who doing Movember and who’s a pedophile.”

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