Friday, May 20, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes At the Whistle Stop Cafe

Jamie you asked me what films have shaped me this is one.  Lots of things dealt with, racial predudice, women's rights, death of people you love, friendship and supporting the people around you, social out casts, a little fact not well known is the book is actually about two women who live together as lovers in the 1930's but when they made the film in 1992, they changed it to they were "Friends".  The cast weren't happy about this at all, and tried to make the director change it back to the original writing, but he said it wouldn't do as well at the box office if it wasn't main stream in it's story line, he may have been right, 1992 would have been early to have a gay themed box office hit, but the truth of their lives were watered down to be more exceptable, which was a sad fact.


  1. Ill have a look into this movie. I have seen Eat Pray Love. I dont think it is the movie for me. The protagonist seems to have "everything" and are motivated by reaching spirituality. But that thought scares me. Because once you reach that? what is next?

    If life is a game and you've clocked it in your 30's ... then what happens after? Do you start again? I refuse to even contemplate being in Julia Roberts shoes.

    Also, I didn't really like the idea of the movie, that you get close to certain people and get comfortable and whoo hoo.. your on the plane to india and its not comfortable again and you know nobody. Its like this converyor belt story line which left me not itchy and not feeling it.

    My favourite movie of all time I guess would have to be GATTACA. I see so much of myself in the main character. The struggle to be normal being gay, the struggle to be my best and the struggle to fly out. Break free from society.

    The movie is based on hope and hopelessness and overcoming lifes biggest obstacles. I thought the ending is pretty significant in that one goes into the stars while the other goes into the earth. But wherever they go... its all just ash.

  2. Hi Cassius,

    I have a question for you. I dunno which post to put this under so Ill do it here so you can see it first.

    Last night was amazing. Me and friends when to Peel and it was packed out. There happened the best conversation of my entire day. As I went in to the toilets to check my hair... this hottie HOT HOT HOT guy checked me out up and down and this is how it went down.

    " Hey we are wearing the same outfit!"
    " Yeh I guess we are"
    " But you look better in it than I do"
    " haha I think I should go home and change"

    Yes, I was wearing my plain white tshirt and baby blue Acne jeans and so was he. I have been checking this guy out for ages... basically everytime I go he is there. Well tonight he finally made the move on me. But he left coz I had to answer my phone.

    So my question is.

    How would you advise me to take this further? What do Cassius suggest at the CLUBZ

    btw I totally think he is into Asian boys because the guy he is always around is asian and dresses like such a big skank i.e barely anything at all. Last night the Asian guy wore a Jacket without anything underneath so you could see his skinny frame and everything.

    Basically, I think I am way better and have a good chance coz Im much more innocent and good.

  3. J, Wanting aint getting, I think attraction, weather lust or love is to random to be formulic, so all you can do is smile and say hello, if he likes you he will smile back and start talking to you after you say hello, its as simple and painfull as that.
