Friday, January 7, 2011

To Market, To Market, To Meet The Meat Market

Meeting the Market, whether in business or dating is not the easiest thing to do.  In business you are selling a product or service and in life you are selling yourself, who you are, what you look like, what your values are.  When dating, if you’re on a bad one, it can feel as though your soul is for sale.  When it comes to buying a house, we all know what we can afford and we look for the best we can afford in our budget.  Different Houses suit different people in the same price bracket.  Unlike house hunting, my expectation when it comes to dating has not stayed realistic.  I need a house to live in but I do not need to be in a relationship.  Some people dream about their dream home and wait until they can afford it if they ever can.  I dream about the perfect person and stay out of the relationship market until I can have my expectations met.  To have a nice home you have to wealthy.  To date a pretty person, or anyone who is a catch or popular, you need to have skills in holding their attention.  Sight is the first sense we use when evaluation someone else.  Hence looks play a big part at the start.  If one is trying to promote features other than appearance, than one needs to be skillful at getting these noticed quickly before the attention from others fade.  I am neither overly skillful nor pretty to look at so having ambitions with popular, attractive people is not a recipe for success.  But neither is my drive to be noticed, date, be in a relationship or have random sex, so the need for me to change my parameters is weak.  The two parameters I would most like to change are my own appearance and ability to charm and partake in witty repartee.  This may be the year that my appearance finally falls into line with my own vision of myself. 
When I see other people delusions about themselves, it is painful and funny to watch.  I am only just accepting a few of my own delusions, so I must be growing to be able to meet the pain of acknowledging them.  This year should play out to be quite an interesting year; to see if I can finally become that person that everyone who knows me knows I can be.

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