Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Being newly single last week I got back out there and had two dates on the same day.  Both guys seemed very nice on line, but when I met them they were horrible!!  They were both very affected 40 year olds who were using old photos, to show themselves in their glorious past.  Liars, and one was drunk, I left in a huff from him, instant block as I walked out the door.

Apart from reinforcing that the guy had been seeing was a very good guy, it taught me one other very valuable leason.
Have you ever wondered why middle aged and older gay men can be so bitter, affected and full of hate and venom.  I never under stood how these bitter old queens evolved into that person.  But I figured out that its sure despration from not getting their needs met.  They have been looking for love and not been able to find it.  Even my 3 week little love in was enough to recharge my batteries and restore my belief in love.  It was good what I had and I choose to walk away from it. But if I hadn't had that good expirence I might have become bitter.  I will no longer be quick to judge bad behaviour from old gay men.  I feel sorry for their disappointment.  It must  be aweful.


  1. Hi, not all gay guys over 40 are bitter and full of hate. Just saying. :)

  2. oops didnt mean to sound so gereralist, of course not all are, sorry again for blanket statement
