Saturday, November 26, 2011


 Jamie you said to buy myself a watch to celebrate business success, well on my travels I found one brand I like, Longines.  Its me, more than any other, so maybe one day I will.

Infinity FX

When I was in Lebanon I was driving one of these, they are so hot! we can't get them here in Australia, but if we can I think I would buy one, I wonder if this is why guys kept asking me for money they thought I was loaded, strange but true.  About 100K of car they drive so well and are seen as better than BMW x5's over there.


There is no stronger glue in a relationship than need.  Attraction will come and go, but need will keep you together.  Stepping off the kerb into a new relationship has me looking for what needs can I have met in this, and what can she have met with me.
Security would be one
Companionship would be another
Sharing would be another
And maybe high quality sex that come with a regular partner you have feelings for.

My close friends don't have a problem with me switching teams, but I am coping a lot of flack from one person who I think I may have to dump.  Let alone the voice in my head giving me grief that I have to keep in check, mainly about what other people think, I don't have a problem with being ambidextrous at all.

I moved through the weight of being a grown up, and have passed through the fear of being monogamous. I have reached a place of calm, of just being and enjoying and not destroying what is working.

watch this, sooooo funny how some people think you cliff notes a relationship, A cheat sheet to happiness, I wonder.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spelt it with a K

I had follow up conversation with Lebo plumber and I don't think he is happy for me. He says he is but he said " she is a hard girl to impress I doubt you will be able to impress her or hold her attention.". Ouch! A good friend is basically laughing at me saying you two are a chronic miss match..... Ahhhhhhhh lol lol. Yes I know I am batting way-out of my league but she is putting in as much effort in as me! Kunt! I'll show him.

3 rd Date Still on Track

3 rd date with sexy Chryle Cole last night, went very well 6 hours And great fun no dead patches at all. Got sexy Lebo plumber to meet us in MAnly Because I wanted to him to meet her. After the date I phone him to ask what he thought and he said "ok" no more no less. I was no annoyed she was charming and funny and great company and all he could muster was ok. Neighbor said she think he is jealous. Mmmm is he? Tired or jealous I'm going with jealous makes me feel better.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Confessions to make.....

A big apology in advance to people who believe in ridget sexuality, this blog is going to annoy the shit out of you. Sooo I am having my third date with a super hot girl with the best manners and personality of any person I have ever met male or female. She is close to the hottest female I have ever seen and sexually I'm feeling it... Well in theory anyway... We will see if it gets there. I would like to think that if I was straight and I met a good looking guy with great manners that I had chemistry with I would be open to a little exploration. Sometimes the attraction is so strong it over rides the sex you are usually atractted to. Well let's see if this all blows up in my face. I haven't deserted boys, I had a hot date with a really nice guy who is an Iraqi refugee living here in Australia. He is young and kind with a loving heart and I like him. So two balls in the air ATM. But then there is a third, a girl I met befor I went over seas in mosman. She is English and probably in the top 10 hottest blOndes in Sydney. She melted my heart of stone, I do not know how but she did and I felt something for the first time in 4 years. Both these girls are so far out of my league I get a nose bleed thinking about it. Buy hey if I can hold their attention and they can hold mine why fight it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Epic Fail

Is what I feel about my holiday, I had such grand expectations of what it was going to be like, and it was nothing like that.
For starters the flight was hell, Dubai was hot and sandy and dusty and full of poor slaves, which really offened my middle class Australian sensibilities of a fair go for all.  The buildings are amazing, the food is great eveything is cheap and high quality, but they use slave labor to build it, so I am taking advantage of these poor guys working in upto 50 degree heat, I hated it.

Lebanon wasn't much better.  Basically I love my leb guys in Australia, but over there they are not flirty, they don't work out so have no muscels, and weren't interested in me at all.  Its so strange in Australia they are the opposite of what they are like over there.  The rich oil arabs are hot! there are so good looking its amazing.  But they don't talk to westerners, so I went my hole hoilday never talking to a hot arab Dubai local.
Abu Dhabi was better than Dubai, its not as manic so a bit easier to handle.  I stayed at the Sheraton Resort and it was amazing! I have never seen food like they had there in my life! truly amazing and cheap!

I worked really hard to find any gay life in Beirut and they were all hookers, after sex they would ask for money! not good for myself esteem to be seen as one big dollar sign, I'm only 31 for christ sake I don't need to pay for it yet surely.
The cars in Lebanon are amazing every one drives a Range Rover.  They are every where, even better cars than Dubai.  But there is poor people every where too.  No middle class just rich people and poor people, pick your side and stick to it, I missed Australias fair go attitude.

Shopping in both countries I found good.  Lebanon is not cheap, for such a poor country, but they had a few things I really liked, so one day I throw $1000 cash into city mall because the clothes were better than here.