Friday, July 20, 2012

Love Poisoned

Lying on the couch again unable to move, with yet another day of oxytocin poisoning ( or brain love chemicals I am told they are called) I am debilitated and have decided that writing a poem about the love that I feel is about the only thing I can manage to do today.

Sara sang:  When you build your house, then please call me, call me!

And another sang:  we have both worked hard to build this life, that we can call our own

But neither of these are really true for us, because we have both worked very hard to get ourselves to this point where we are ready for love and each other.

We have both built our lives to a point where we can be good for each other, our lamps have been burning through the night to attract one another, and now we can build our house together, and we can build a life that other people have gone out of their way to stop us from doing, but we can hold our head up high and be proud, because we beat the odds, we found love, and our life together is our testament of what our love was able to build.

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