Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Silly Bridget, Silly Me

I am feeling better and at a loose end so I decided to go to body line tonight as a boredom beater and I have to say as you are about to find out body line has been very good to me lately. I am so shocked I am banging this out on my iPhone to get it out of me. I was in the spa fingering a hot little leb guy when Japanese Brian Kinney walked in and sat next to us in the spa. I smiled but no Response from him. I kept going as best as I could. Here is the guy I like sitting next to me, I'm busted I think. So is he really. Akward. But not as akward as it's about to get. I really wanted to jump ship to the guy I have feelings for, but I can't do that. He pares off with the other white guy in the spa that looks just like me..... ouch, that could have been me....and I have to watch them play. I leave the spa and later I walk past him at his locker and say hi. He looks at me funny then says, .... Wait for it.... Can u guess what he says? I couldn't " oh hi, how are you, this is my boyfriend" pointing to the muscle Asian guy standing in the corner. I walk off, unable to speak. He lied to me more than any one I know. Things such as " oh no I haven't dates any one since I've been in Australia" come flooding back into my mind. I thought this guy was as innocent as the driven snow, when in fact he was possibly the most trechous liar I have meet. Well at least that's the withholding Explained. Mystery solved. And I only wasted a day of feelings. And now the path is clear for M the hottest guy in Sydney, but now my radar is Up, I bet he's partnered too.


  1. ur not silly at all cassius. u just met brian kinney :P

    if i were u i would have totally whispered something sexy in his ear, and make his boyfriend totally jealous. maybe even give him a pat on the bum like ownership.

    coz wot he did to you, u shoulda gave him a taste in awkardness 10 times over.

  2. How Ironic is it that he looks like Brian K and behaves like him too. Although to give the real Brian K character credit, he said it like it is, nearly always, he never lied, just did what he wanted to.
    It's like the Samantha character, she is a big slut, but doesn't lie about it, she is honest about liking sex with lots of different people, thats me, I like variety, but why lie?

    My Neighbor said "why are you surprised, he is a man? they all lie to get what they want." and I said "but the gay world there is so much sex about, and open relationships are the norm, why lie? whats the need to lie?"

  3. coz he didnt know you were such a big skank too cassius. he might have thought u were one of those conservative lovey dovey types. If he knew you for the maneater that you were, he might have come clean before. but perhaps having seen u fingering that hot lil leb guy, perhaps he thought u wouldnt be so offended.

  4. Steady on Jamie I'm not a shank, I just have a lot of love to give, spread over lots of different people. Lol

  5. wot is ur definition of a skank cassius? :P
