Saturday, May 28, 2011

Studio Sexty - Four

A strange little thing has happened.  I have four hot bottom guys on the go at once.  I have them on high rotation through the week, and according to them, I am a fucking good top.  I do believe them, because I do things to them that nearly no one knows how to do, I have had one or two good tops in my life and nearly everyone else is shit.  That is why I think I probably am good, because I do things that other guys just don't bother to do, ground work and preparation, it's all in the prep work, to enjoy being fucked you need to be relaxed, and it takes work to relax down through the layers of tension that we all carry around, and the next thing is its about sexual tension and expectation, and wanting a cock up your arse, which usually needs a fantasy and sexual buzz to be built for it to be great sex.
Once when I was in my gym change room  I over head this huge tough bouncer guy say out loud, " I have all these fucking bitches who bang me, but their fucking periods have all synced up, they are all on the their rage at the same time and I have no one to bang tonight."  Charming mate, but it makes me wonder if all my guys will suddenly turn off me at the same time.
The thing with grindr is you are in Vogue one day and out of fashion the next hour, and it comes and goes like crazy.  Gay guys are the most fickle bunch of guys ever, always used to getting what they want with out waiting, add grindr which speeds every thing up to warp speed, and you can have 4 different dates in one day, so the level of emotional investment you need to put into anything is almost nothing.  There is always something new around the corner if you are unsatisfied.  Sauna's are really good at establishing what your hotness appeal is on the open market, because you get to cruise other guys and see which ones like you and which ones think they are better than you.  Of course this can go up and down day to day, like the other day when I was playing with the guy who I think is the hottest guy in Sydney, who had snobbed me for two years previous and will probably go back to snobbing me for another two years.  You can have a popularity drought and then lucky streaks where every one likes you.
I used to call the gay life style the MacDonald's life style, because it was cheap and easy and quick, but not good for you.  Trying to slow down for a "slow home cooked roast meal" is what I called being sensible and trying to date one person.  I don't care any more, I'm having fun, I like my sex life, its like eating out every night of the week at a different place, its more fun than eating the same stuff every night.

I guess the equation I have worked out is:  Variety and the excitement of the new and unknown will always be what guys want as long as they can get it.  Once I can no longer get new good looking guys, then the thrill of cruising will dwindle.  And I guess that is when the good things that come from one person will start to look a lot more attractive.  I don't think one person could ever compete with the fun of the gay world, or could they?

I was thinking the other day about this guy who I think is super hot, the hottest guy in Sydney (THGIS) from now on, would he be enough for me? he could be.  Depends what his personality is like, I saw him yesterday walking down Crown St, so I followed him into the sushi shop he went into, he had disappeared! did he know I was following him, or did I imagine him!  I like him because he looks and acts like a top but is a total greedy bottom, his sexiness is off the rickter scale for me.  But I wonder if I was to see him regularly, would I need a top in my life?  Someone with aggressive throw down, who totally wants to dominate me.  I think I would still want that sometimes, I like being "the dude" but I also like guys who are really into me and desperate to fuck me, its nice to be wanted that way.

I realise that I am a total hotness chaser.  That is all I really care about, how good some one looks and how good they are in bed, and by that I mean how well they connect with you, the chemistry and how good they are at being totally in the moment, not distracted at all.  I spend all my time chasing guys who I think are good looking, why?  It doesn't seem to be that sensible thing to do, but I have always been like this, only caring about looks, and I am seeming to care less what other people think, it makes me happy, its what I care about, so why try and change what makes me happy.  But I can kind of see the ridiculousness of giving all this attention to people who look a certain way.
Last night at the sauna, I pursued one guy who I thought was hot and we had great sex, I then let 4 other guys who liked me, give me massages and play around in the spa, so I guess I am an equal opportunities fucker, sometime I chase, other times I give others their fantasy.

1 comment:

  1. cassius i hope u dont get worn out from all the hotness chasing. save some energy to make ends meet!
