I'm watching Eat Pray Love for the second time, and I realized there is a whole market of these films about white women who go on a journey to find happiness / themselves. Under the Tuscan Sun is another one of my favorites. I think even a few years ago these films / this market wouldn't have existed. Has it got to do with money? As the middle class grows more and more people are disatisfied with their life. Once you have finacial security under your belt and one no longer lives to survive, other needs come bubbling up to the surface and these are harder to meet. Why as a gay man am I attracted to these films? Is it because I, like middle class women feel that they no longer find the normal goals of life working for them? I am also having to invest huge amounts of time trying to reinvent a new life for myself that works for me. I am actually a little bit resentful that I'm the one who has to do all the work, and change, why can't other people be ones who have to change and me be the one who is happy with life the way it is for once. I just hope all this work I am doing pays of big time in the future, I would really like the I work put into myself to pay off, because to date, I would say, I've seen nothing for how well adjusted I think I am, and all my looser family who never change, and never work on themselves, float on by unaffected.

I love those movies. I guess human beings are always trying to find themselves....