Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Delusional Dating

I’m surrounded by people who are delusional in their dating self worth on the open market.  But I can’t say anything, as it’s simply too confronting for these people to hear.  I would hate it if any one pointed out my flaws, unless they were completely skillful in their delivery.  I realize that I view the world through my eyes and everyone has had a different experience of life, so my view of things they should change to address problems they have in relating to other people, is only my view, it’s not necessarily true and correct.  I never whine about being single, so I guess I don’t really want any one.  But if people are distressed about being single and I can see the things that they need to change to give them a better chances of attracting guys, it’s very hard to keep dancing around what is obvious to me, for example if someone is hugely over weight, you are single because you eat too much.  Or why don’t people like me? People don’t like you because you are selfish to your core with no love to give, and you think that other people are there to serve you, you are a self appointed king and you relate to other people by establishing your superiority over them, and then wonder why they don’t want to have anything to do with you.  Girls have it pretty easy really it’s this simply with guys, look good and be nice.  As long as you have these two things down, guys will like you, it’s that simple.  Guys are visual, they like attractive people, and they don’t want to put up with a bitch.

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