Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Queer Culture = Why?

As gay men and women I think it is our duty to ask why.  The head of Queer culture at Gorge Town or Princeton, one those good American universities runs a think tank called Queeriosity, now I would never use the world queer as I think it has very negative connotations, but there is this whole philosophy about as long as you “own” a world they can’t hurt you.  Like black Americans saying “Niger”.  And gay people calling each other fag and poof.   Well the philosophy is of Queeriosity is that being gay is not just a sexual preference it is a rebellion against all the norms of society.  It is a way of revolting against what we are told is normal, and must always be.  I like this theory because I think it is true.  Because when I was thinking about being gay, I guess I was saying, hey world I think there is a better way of doing things, and you know what I am going to live it and see if I am right.  When we choose to live our lives with the same sex we are breaking the norm of falling in love and having children.  Our lives have to be about more things than just bringing children into the world.  Up until now I would say that my philosophy has been have as much fun as possible, I didn’t consciously decided to do it, it just happened, I love the good times and having fun, its me.  I don’t think bringing children into the world is necessarily deeper than my philosophy.  I mean I would never bring a child into this because I wanted one, I would bring a child into this world because I think I could give him or her a great life and I would need to have figured out what I think the meaning of life is so that I had integrity with my beliefs and actions.  At this stage if I get to the point where I think the world is a good enough place to bring another life into it then I would, but I’m not convinced it is yet. 

 I really believe that so many people get trapped in the “how” that they never get to the more important “why”.  I mean straight people seem to look for love, get the big mortgage that makes them work shitty jobs with long hours to pay for it so they can house their children, and I wonder have any of them ever really thought why they are going through all this trouble, I mean what is it making them have children? Boredom? It’s what society says you are supposed to do? Everybody else does it?  How else do you define yourself other than by making the next generation? Well I think too many people are defining their existence through children, not enough are sitting back and looking at this existence on this planet and saying “is this really good enough?” I mean, may be more quality to life and less people.  And if you can’t have children, then how do you define your existence? Making the world a better place?  I couldn’t really give a toss any more about that, I mean if I make it a better place great, but I don’t get up in the morning hoping to do that.  No I need a more selfish reason for living then helping the less fortunate.  I here by take owner ship of my life, and state that the reason I exist is…….. well I still can’t think of anything better than have a fun time, so until I find a better reason that will be it.

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