Friday, June 17, 2011

We're Going Down Down Down to Loser Town

I'm just back from seeing Jennifer Coolidge, she is so good live, I love her, so smutty, and dirty, I love it.  There was a smattering of A gays there, including Will Fennell, he is so nice, as a person I mean, well he looks nice I don't really know if he is.

Last night I saw Bridesmaids and it was totally great.  The main character is total loser, but like able and a nice person and as I was watching it I kept identifying with her, well her bad luck anyway, I was thinking they are making a movie about me! 

To top it off, I watched Brideswars and 27 Dresses and how many more rom - coms am I going to watch this weekend? and they seem to have a wedding theme? whats that about?  I don't want to write about it but I am still in my funk, not horny, addicted to Grindr, not because I want to talk to people or want sex, just because I'm addicted to distraction.  People hit me up for dates and sex and I bail all the time.  No saunas, no bars, no Grindr hook ups, this blog might be on the way out if my moejoe does return soon.  I guess it won't hurt to be a Nanna for a while, I could even do my washing or clean my apartment, or apply myself to my business.... who am I kidding, I'll never be that person, I've tried and failed, let the philandering continue.... oh my phone just buzzed the hot guy I messaged from Grindr just got back to me, got to go.....pathetic much?


  1. cassius i think u are al fucked out i reckon ur pee pee is trying to tell u something. perhaps do some knitting or stamp collecting or gardening for a while.



  2. Lol! I'm driving to bowral now, the polo and pearl necklace town in the mountains, more BMW's, bankers and bowler hats than any where else in Australia, let my nanna days begin

  3. looking forward to seeing where grndr takes u in bowral!
