Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gwen, I Love You

Short one tonight, No Doubt was my favorite band as a teenager, and Gwen I love your style, dance moves, rock chic attitude, in short I love you.  My life has felt like I have fallen down the rabbit hole last month, being in love, trying to let someone close to me for the first time, sex with the same person more than once, its all blowing my mind.  I am sick today, and home down loading itunes like a crazy person, my credit card bounce last night, so I had go and by an iTunes card so I could keep going, but as long as you have enough for one song you can keep down loading, I had $1.89 on my card and it was enought to get 20 songs out of iTunes before it blocked me.  I always get anxious before I get sick so maybe that was part of what was going on over the last few days.

The other really cool thing about Gwen's lattest stuff is she has this really cool multicultural thing going on, all her cool asian dancing girls, Eve as her best friend is black, then there are the Jamacian rappers and hip hop dancers, her clips look like the world should, every one getting on and having fun making the most of life, being as cool as we can be in our own unquine ways.  The thing I like about her using the Asian girls and black dancers is its all so positive, they aren't trying to be white, they are who they are, but in a really really cool way, she lets the asian girls steal the show in a lot of her film clips, she doesn't use them as backup dancers, they are the stars and she is their support, very few stars get big enough and smart enough to let other people run riot in their film clips.

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